Saturday, May 4, 2013

A cure for my disappointment

I’m so  very, very disappointed. In American labor. And the American middle class. They’re disorganized. Pathetically stupid and lethargic, too. Allowing the wealthy and corporate elite to manipulate the American political and economic systems.  So that the rich keep getting richer. At the expense of the poor, the middle and working classes. And things ain’t gonna get better. Unless the rest of us (the majority of Americans) wake up. And do something about it. By getting organized. And taking control of the political and economic systems.   We need change. We need the 22 million unemployed to be put to work.  At decent wages. That will turn things around. Fast. Maybe it means a shorter work week for everyone. And higher taxes for the rich. But if that’s what it takes – well, then let’s do it.  It’ll be a cure for my disappointment. –Jim Broede

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