Monday, May 20, 2013

I tell each thought, 'Be nice.'

Doesn’t bother me to have nothing on my mind. Because then I start with a clean slate. I ask myself, ‘What should I put on my mind?’ Instead of grappling for a topic, I decide to just let it happen. Naturally. Allowing the next thought to surface. On its own. Invariably, it’s a thought that’s been hidden in my sub-conscious. Maybe for a long time.  And the thought appreciates being set free. Into my consciousness. Gives me a hearty thank you. A kiss on the forehead. Turns out that some of my thoughts are very independent. They disassociate themselves with me.  Preferring to exist on their own. But I tell them they really don’t exist. Unless I open the door. To my consciousness. Otherwise, they wouldn’t see the light of day. They might remain imprisoned in my subconscious. I’m the boss. The warden. I tell each thought: ‘Be nice. Or I’ll throw away the key. And keep you locked up forever.’ –Jim Broede

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