Saturday, May 11, 2013

Other lives I might have lived.

A strange but fascinating feeling. When I heard from Joan Witt. Revived vague memories of 60 and 70 years ago. When I was in elementary school. In high school.  Barely knew her. Before either of us had evolved. And became what we are today. Two very interesting human beings. We’re about the same age. In our late 70s. Joan and I share similarities. We’ve experienced true love. Joan has been married for 57 years. To the same guy. Had eight children. Six sons. Two daughters. Wow! Incredible. Happy. Happy. Same with me. Married for 38 years. Until my wife died of Alzheimer’s. It was true love. Same as now. I’m on my second true love. A wonderful Italian. I live with her in Sardinia. For five months. Every fall and winter. She lives with me in Minnesota in the summer. Anyway, back to Joan. She remained in the small community where I grew up. In southeast Wisconsin.  I moved away. Never to return. But maybe will. There’s the 60th reunion of my high school graduating class. In August. Joan wants me to come. Not so sure I will. But that won’t stop me from renewing my acquaintance with Joan. And maybe several others. People out of my distant past. Because I’m curious. I have a sense of what if… Yes, what if I had stayed? Would I have cultivated a relationship with Joan? Or with other classmates? How would my life have been different? So many potential scenarios. Life adventures that never happened. But might have. I’m fascinated by the thought of it all. Life takes so many twists and turns. I’m a writer. Often writing from my imagination. And now I’m imagining Joan. And so many others. Like ancestors. Out of my past. Wanting to know. What might have been. Other lives I might have lived. –Jim Broede

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