Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Losing as a natural way of life.

I don’t like it. The  Chicago Cubs. Being groomed to lose. Intentionally. Because that’s supposed to be good for the long-term future. The Cubs are supposed to be ‘rebuilding.’ Stockpiling very young baseball players. Some just out of high school. Players with potential. Might take five years to mature into decent  players. Another thing, if the Cubs have the worst record in baseball, they get a top pick in the annual draft of amateur talent.  Therefore, it pays to lose. To have a spectacularly bad season. Because it'll pay dividends in the future. Instead, let's find innovative ways to win now. And in the future, too. Unfortunately, the Cubs have a long-time losing tradition. Seems to me that players have been taught that losing is acceptable. For now. Losing becomes a habit. The Cubs are undisputed masters of losing. Every which way. Discovering new ways every day.  Losing  is engrained in the Cub psyche. It's become the natural way of life in the Cubs domain.  –Jim Broede

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