Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Three cheers for political asylum.

It’s wonderful. That Americans can seek political asylum. In various countries around the world. Places like China and Russia and Ecuador and Iceland and Cuba and Venezuela. Safe havens. Thing is, America isn’t always right. Isn’t always fair. Even to its own citizens. In many ways, America is a hypocritical nation.  On the political, economic and social levels. Therefore, some Americans need protection. From persecution. From unfair and sometimes abhorrent treatment.  From its own government.  From domestic political factions.  I can imagine some day needing political asylum. If America was taken over by lunatic fringe Republicans. I’d want a place to flee to. Maybe Canada.  Living in Minnesota, I almost sit on the border now.  And I spend almost half the year living with my Italian true love in Sardinia. I have options. And that’s what I want for other Americans. Such as Edward Snowden, the patriot who leaked secret/classified information about American government surveillance.  Of course, the government is taking a hostile stance toward  Snowden. Charging him with espionage and other crimes. The government doesn’t see Snowden in the same way that I do. As a hero. For his disclosures. I’m not sure that Snowden will get fair treatment in America. The political and judicial systems may be rigged against him.  Snowden may be better off living in a more neutral country. Maybe in English-speaking Iceland, for instance. Where he can speak more freely. Where he doesn’t have to cater to the whims of a hypocritical American government. –Jim Broede

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