Monday, July 29, 2013

He gave me ample freedom.

Earl Lellman. He turned 100 on Saturday.  Imagine that. Maybe the best publisher I ever worked for. In that he gave me free rein. More or less. I could write almost anything. It was the first time I wrote a weekly column titled ‘Broede’s Broodings.’ Earl came up with the name. He hired me in 1965. As a writer. For the weekly Forest Lake Times. I was gone by 1969. Moving on to the daily St. Paul Pioneer Press. Earl sold the Times in 1968. The primary reason why I left.  Wasn’t working for Earl any more. Might have stayed longer. If Earl had remained in charge  But he retired. While still  in his 50s. Maybe that decision contributed to Earl’s lengthy life. Ditching the stress of running a weekly newspaper. Maybe I helped in that regard. By causing Earl some distress. By getting us into trouble. Writing controversial stories. Not the least  being my highly opinionated columns. Sparing no one my satirical barbs. Got us summoned by the board of directors of the local chamber of commerce. For touting an ‘improper image’ of Forest Lake. Anyway, I survived. And had name recognition. That later helped me get elected to the local school board. Now I don’t waste my time on such lowly and slovenly pursuits. Having better things to do.  Such as being a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a lover, a dreamer. I suspect that Earl learned to enjoy life, too. Some critics claim in selfish ways. I won’t enumerate. Except to say that Earl was always Earl. He knew how to take care of himself. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. Doing things his way. But allowing me to go my way, too. More than most other publishers would. Yes, Earl may have been the best. He gave me ample freedom. Which, by the way, I demanded. –Jim Broede

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