Monday, July 15, 2013

Making the right choices. For me.

I know many a Nervous Nelly and a Nervous Ned.  They exist. I see them. Everywhere. All around me. Friends. Colleagues. Neighbors. Strangers, too. I can spot them. From miles away. They emit nervous vibes. They are in a hurry. Trying to get things done. They have too much to do. Take on too many burdens/responsibilities. They have no time to savor life. To stay calm, cool, collected. Of course, I could feel sorry for them. But I don’t. Because they are making their own choices. For hectic-paced lives. Years ago, I decided not to be like them. I slowed down. Created environs of peace and solitude. It helped that I was able to retire. To not have to report for work. Instead, I began to do my thing. Writing. For the pure enjoyment. Exercising. Again, for the pure enjoyment. Living. For the pure enjoyment.  Nervous Nelly and Nervous Ned try to knock me off track.  But I refuse to be knocked. I go my way. I do my thing. Laughing. Laughing. Laughing all the way.  Because I am in love. With life. My life. Making the right choices. For me. –Jim Broede

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