Friday, August 16, 2013

Finding true love. Twice.

True love. What is it? I’ve been asked that question. By friends. Because I claim to have a true love. A beautiful and intelligent Italian. The second true love of my life. The first one died. I’m not sure that true love can be fully defined. I sense it. One just knows. When one experiences it. It’s virtual complete acceptance of a loved one. No need to change her. But there are other factors, too. Multiple.  Seems to me that one can have only one true love at a time. Can’t be two. Or three. Because that spreads oneself thin. One has to be totally devoted to a single true love. Some friends tell me that true love is impossible. That may be so. For them. But not for me.  True love is an individual thing. Comes from within. From the soul/spirit. And not everyone has a soul. Maybe we are born without souls. And the soul enters later on. Maybe we have to search for our souls. And then cultivate and nurture it. I seem to become more soulful as I age. That’s something nice about the aging process. Instead of losing our souls, we have the opportunity to find one. To even find true love. Not once. But twice. –Jim Broede

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