Monday, September 16, 2013

Options to war.

The most evil of men can be bribed, I suspect. To be less evil. Hitler, for instance. Let’s assume that with the right kind of bribe, Hitler could have been persuaded to hand over the Jews to other countries. A far more humane option than sending the Jews to concentration camps. Where they perished. Of course, that would have required the rest of the world to intervene. In an effective way. With such an offer. Maybe even paying Hitler with a cash stipend. For the sake of saving lives. Such a measure might have prevented World War II. In the meantime, maybe Germans would have eventually come to their senses and overthrown Hitler. Think about it. The many potential benefits from averting a war. With bribes to despots. Millions of lives could be saved. And maybe even Hitler would gain a modest degree of respect. By accepting a somewhat less evil/less brutal option to the Holocaust. Makes sense, doesn’t it? To test slightly more civilized alternatives to war. –Jim Broede

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