Thursday, September 19, 2013

The deepest of hate.

Crazy political movements. They happen all the time. All over the world. And there’s nothing crazier than the lunatic fringe Republicans. The ones that hate Obama. Everything about Obama. But mostly because he’s black,  The craziest of the Republicans could become as crazy as Nazis. Indeed, that’s scary. But the good thing is they’re unlikely to gain enough power to put Nazi tactics into force. But one never knows for sure. This is a crazy, crazy world. Anything could happen.  The inmates could take over the asylum. These Republicans want to repeal Obamacare. And they seem willing to be spiteful in order to get it done. Maybe even by destroying America. The economy.  The Republicans even seem willing to commit political suicide in the process.  I’ve never seen hate run so deep.  Not even in Nazi Germany. –Jim Broede

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