Friday, October 25, 2013

Obama's true legacy.

The opponents of Obamacare  remind me of the foes of civil rights in the 1960s. Hateful people. Many of whom made their way into the Republican Party. Now their descendants attack Obamacare. They despise/hate Obama solely because he’s black. They would like to deny him his civil rights. Including  the presidency. They claim he wasn’t born in the U.S. They want him ‘sent back’ to Kenya. They say he’s Muslim. It’s self-deceptive racist thinking. They are livid. Full of deep-rooted hate. They can’t stand that the American people elected Obama. Not once. But twice. They want Obama and everything he stands for to fail. Simply because he’s black.  Fortunately, they are a minority in America. Unfortunately, they hold significant sway in the GOP. But hey, give everything time. For evolution. I’m an optimist. Americans learned to reject slavery. Learned to accept civil rights. Albeit, grudgingly at times.  And now Americans are learning to accept Obamacare. In 50 years, Obamacare will have evolved into a single-payer health care system. For everyone. True socialized medicine.  That will be Obama’s true legacy. Good reason to revere and celebrate our first black president. –Jim Broede

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