Monday, November 4, 2013

A figment of my wild imagination?

Astronomers reported that there could be as many as 40 billion habitable Earth-size planets in the galaxy, based on a new analysis of data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft. Just read that in the New York Times. And it made my day. Gives me something to think about. To imagine. The possibility of boundless life. Considering that our galaxy (the Milky Way) is only one of maybe a trillion galaxies. An infinite number.  Multiply 40,000 Earth-size planets by one trillion.  Wow! Another reason for me to be in love – with life. With being alive and conscious. And able to be in awe of the vastness of creation. Makes me wonder though. If creation is only a figment of my wild imagination. It wouldn't be. Unless I was here to perceive and savor it.–Jim Broede

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