Saturday, November 23, 2013

My far better choices.

Forgive me when I appear annoyed. With politics. With anything. Because I’m not. Yes, just pretending. Because I’m able to instantly change my mood. So that I’m happy and pleased. With life, in general. Allows me to focus on the good stuff. And I set the bad stuff aside. Because in many instances, I have absolutely no control over events. Such as political decisions. Politicians will be politicians. Criminals will be criminals. Idiots will be idiots. I can’t control ‘em. They’ll do what they do. I have no control over their actions. Only mine.  Therefore, I choose to get on with life. My life. Over which I have some semblance of control. By creating me. A romantic idealist. A spiritual free-thinker. A political liberal. A lover. A dreamer. In no particular order. That‘s far better than being a politician, a criminal, an idiot. –Jim Broede

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