Friday, December 6, 2013

A government for modern times.

If one gets the impression that I’m disgusted with American-style politics – well, then you are grasping me correctly. I’d scrap our political system, and start all over. From scratch. Because I don’t want any foul stench remaining. Not even a trace.  I’d go for a totally new constitution. Probably a parliamentary form of government, too. Multiple political parties would be welcome. And encouraged. Especially the kind that steer clear of old style politics. Many of ‘em would be political in name only.  Most likely, there would still be Republicans and Democrats.  But there would be so many parties that there’d never be a solid single party majority. Rather, a coalition of multiple parties.  A blending of vocal minorities.  Forcing lots of give and take. Cooperation. Yes, compromise. Now the two parties stifle each other. It’s 85 percent the fault of unbending, conservative lunatic fringe Republicans. And about 15 percent the fault of too timid progressive Democrats. It adds up to inept, gridlock government. Unfortunately, we Americans are cursed with an ever-bogged-down government. Which may end up destroying a once-promising American nation. Let us recognize the need for dramatic change. Maybe even a revolution. And the creation of a totally new nation. Designed for the modern age. Sure beats what we have -- an archaic 18th century model. –Jim Broede

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