Monday, January 27, 2014

Believing in the preposterous.

We are in the age of mass communication. So very, very many sources of information. Maybe we are being inundated with too much. We feel overwhelmed. Confused. Not knowing right from wrong. So we allow ourselves to be swayed by sound bites. By news blurbs. And that’s how we choose up sides. On political, economic and social matters. And political power brokers know it. They spend obscene amounts of money to sway public opinion. It’s handled the same way that merchandisers sell their products. Whether it be toothpaste or snowmobiles or breakfast cereal. There are enough ignorant people to buy almost anything. They’ll even believe that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. And that he’s Muslim. And a communist, too. Tell a lie often enough, and many stupid Americans will believe in the preposterous – in bold-faced lies. –Jim Broede

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