Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fully appreciative of true freedom.

I try to look beyond a face. Beyond a physical being. Into one’s soul. Or spirit. Maybe soul/spirit are one and the same.   We all come and go. We leave the physical dimension. But it’s possible that the soul/spirit lives forever. In a non-physical realm. I sense it. That I have a soul/spirit. And it doesn’t look anything like me. Because it’s invisible. In the physical sense. I can feel spirit. But I can’t see it. That’s all it takes. FeelingTo know that spirit exists. There is no physical proof. Doesn’t have to be. Same goes for true spiritual love.  It’s totally spirit.  Completely devoid of physical expression. That’s a difficult premise for physical beings to grasp. Too easy to assume that spiritual love requires a physical act. It doesn’t. Instead, it’s expressed spiritually, period. Could be that my soul/spirit is locked in a physical vessel for good reason. As a learning experience. To better understand what it’s like to be in a physical world. It’s restrictive. Sort of like being in prison.  Lacking a degree of freedom.  Once released from the physical shackles, a soul/spirit soars majestically. To the great beyond.  Fully appreciative of true freedom. –Jim Broede

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