Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Give me the Times, music, books.

My definition of a good newspaper: The New York Times. The good ones are few and far between. I love reading the Times. The printed version, of course. I get home delivery. Weekdays. Monday through Friday. Seldom pick up the fat Sunday edition. Don’t have time for it. The front pages are works of near-perfection. Good balance. Good selection of stories. Covered thoroughly. Far better than most newspapers. Take the Times to bed with me. To the breakfast and dinner table, too. And walk with my nose buried in the Times. I read the editorials, the columnists, the daily arts and business sections. The Science section on Tuesdays. Sports, too. Though I also go to the Chicago Tribune for sports. I’m partial to Chicago teams. Especially the Cubs.  As for television. I pretty much limit myself to C-Span. On weekends. And MSNBC in the evening. To get my dose of liberal-biased political news and commentary. Other than that, I prefer listening to classical music. And reading books. Mostly fiction.  –Jim Broede

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