Thursday, January 16, 2014

What next? America uber alles?

I draw the line. When I’m told what to think. Could be that’s what we Americans are coming to. I could be considered subversive. Or un-American.  Sort of what it was like in Nazi Germany. Deutchland uber alles. Germany above all else. Nothing stopping the likes of Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin from gaining lethal political power some day. And telling us all, we’re required to pledge unequivocal allegiance to the United States of America. America uber alles. And if we don’t. Good bye. Leave. Or go into a concentration camp. Or face death. Because we’ve  become disloyal. Security risks. Bachmann, who happens to be my congresswoman, has been elected repeatedly. Yes, that’s  not only a scary thought. It’s a fact of life. Right here in normally liberal Minnesota. Still, we have enclaves of weirdo politicians. Of lunatic fringe Republicans. They come to office. Sometimes more than occasionally.  Look at all the Republican aspirants. For president. In the last go-around. Danger. Danger. Danger lurks everywhere. From the Republicans. From the thought police.  A similar occurrence in Germany. Not all that long ago. In the 1930s. –Jim Broede

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