Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Better to love than hate.

In school. At home. In church. Everywhere. I was brought up by the oft-repeated notion that the world was divided up. Between good guys. And bad guys. Furthermore, they were identified for me. By teachers. By parents. By clergy.  By nearly everyone. But somewhere along the way, I wised up. Started making up my own mind. And it seemed that the world was full of gray. Not everyone wore a black hat or a white hat. The so-called good guys had a mix of bad. And the bad ones had some good traits. Nowadays, it’s the politicians that like to divide the world into good guys and bad guys. Many of ‘em, for instance, want to continue to wage cold wars. Hot wars. Every kind of conflagration. Comes down to ideology. Closed minds. Open minds. As for me, I’d rather be confused. And see some good in bad. And some bad in good. Leaves me in a dilemma. Until I decide it’s better to love than hate. –Jim Broede

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