Wednesday, February 5, 2014

In love with Minnesota winter.

A neighbor, a friend, a longtime Minnesotan – he’s all one and the same – tells me he’s ready to flee. He’s had enough of Minnesota winters. I try to console him. The same way I’d deal with someone in depression. I turn on my good vibes therapy.  Winter ain’t all that bad. Easy for me to say. Because I’ve spent three of the last four winters in Sardinia, living with my Italian true love. Changed the script this winter. Instead, we met in Arizona for a few weeks. But now I’m back in Minnesota for the remainder of winter. To test my mettle. I’m holding up quite well. Maybe because I’m in love. With life. I could even like living on the Arctic Circle. In an igloo. That is, if I had a connection to Skype. Or a cell phone. So I could keep daily touch with my Italian true love. Yes, I’d still find a way to be happy. I’d write about the experience, too. On how to savor winter in the coldest place on Earth. I hesitate telling this to my friend and neighbor. For fear that he might become violent. With me. But I offer to shovel his snow. And walk his dog. It’s the least I can do. To quietly show. I’m a tough hombre. In love with Minnesota winter. –Jim Broede

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