Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Walking buddies.

I’m cultivating a friendship. With a dog. An Irish setter. Named Jack.  Lives a half-mile from me. I pass him by. Several times a day. On my walks. Jack has been around for a year or so.  Mostly ignored. Even by me.  Until recently. Now he's caught my attention. Because he barks a lot. And runs around. Frantically. In his yard. Also wears a barking collar. Gives him a throaty electric shock. Every time he barks. Seems cruel. Jack may soon be dispatched. To a new home. In the country, his owner says. Neighbors complain. About the incessant barking. Really, it's Jack's way of telling everyone. He wants attention. I’m heaping good vibes on Jack. It works. Seldom barks at me any more. His thank you, I guess. For giving him what he craves. Attention and loving. He also needs more exercise. Nobody hardly ever takes Jack for a walk. He’s confined. Imprisoned, really. In a tiny yard. Jack tries to compensate. By running in circles. And barking his head off.  There's a solution, of course. Jack needs a real true friend. To take him for daily walks. I'm game. We are about to become walking buddies. –Jim Broede

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