Sunday, February 16, 2014

Turns out, life is worth savoring.

Upon reflection, dear sweet Jeanne’s 13-year siege with Alzheimer’s wasn’t all that bad. For Jeanne. For me. Because we got through it. Together. Time has a way of erasing away the worst of it. And putting the emphasis on the good that came from it. Of course, maybe Jeanne got the worst. Because she’s dead. But then again, she’s alive. In spirit. And who’s to say, that’s not the best? I, for one, am better off from the experience. Of care-giver and lover. Ending up as a better human being. Still flawed, of course. But nevertheless, better. For having stuck with it. For not quitting. Even in the depths of despair.  I understand the plight of care-givers. That have yet to come through. But I don’t feel sorry for them. Because they are going through the rite of passage.  A necessary part of life. From seemingly bad experiences come some things that are very, very good. Such as the strengthening of one’s spirit/soul. Taken as a whole, turns out life is worth savoring. –Jim Broede

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