Monday, March 31, 2014

A fine and exquisite art.

Spring has yet to arrive in Minnesota. Where I live. But still today is the first day of spring. In my heart of hearts. Because my beloved Chicago Cubs open the baseball season. This afternoon. That’s good enough for me. Though I’m in for another losing season. That’s the nature of the Cubs. Perennial, but loveable losers. Cubs fans have adjusted to losing. Because the Cubs occasionally win a game. Here and there. A nice consolation. I savor the little things. A Cubs game. Especially when it’s played at Wrigley Field in Chicago. A sacred shrine. Many a spring, I venture down to Arizona. To the city of Mesa. To take spring training. With the Cubs. Yes, mere exhibition games. But still, in Cubsdom, a win is a win. Now I am prepared for another season. Braced for heartbreaking losses. But still, I marvel at the accomplishments. I go into the season feeling the Cubs have discovered virtually every way to lose. Absolutely no more ways left. But my Cubs always come through. Always finding new ways to lose. Ingenious. Inventive.  When it comes to losing. The Cubs are masters. Supreme. Champions.  No longer a mere craft. The Cubs have made losing a fine and exquisite art.–Jim Broede

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