Monday, March 17, 2014

A long, long way from Texas.

I’d not want to live just anywhere in America. It would be personally distasteful for me to reside in Texas, for instance. Or in the Southern tier of states. Also, it’s quite possible that people down there would find me distasteful. Can’t blame ‘em. After all, I’m too liberal. And they are too conservative. Generally speaking, that is. So I choose to live in the North. Not all that far from Canada. Where I can flee. If things take a turn for the worst.  As it turns out, my congressional district in Minnesota is gawdawful. My representative is Michelle Bachmann. Can’t get worse than that. Even in Southern states. But still, Minnesota has saving graces. Our U.S. senators are Al Franken and Amy Klolbuchar. Not bad.  I’m somewhat smug, too. Because I have the option to flee at any time. And live with my Italian true love. In Paradise. In Sardinia, the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. With over 1,200 miles of exotic beaches.  Another plus: Sardinia is a long, long way from Texas. –Jim Broede

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