Monday, March 31, 2014

On doing things appropriately.

I made a wise decision today. In not tuning in the Chicago Cubs season opener. Opting instead  to check the result only after the ball game was likely to be over. And it was. The Cubs lost, 1-0, in 10 innings. I took the loss in non-stressful stride. Because I didn’t put any emotional investment or energy into watching the game. Therefore, I had no reason to lament the sad details. That the Cubs missed scoring opportunity after scoring opportunity. In former times, I’d have stewed. But I don’t let the Cubs do that to me any more. Really, boils down to this: I have taken control. By building stress protections into my life. Don’t mind some degree of stress. For more meaningful stuff than a Cubs game. When they win, I’ll celebrate. Appropriately. When they lose, I’ll get on with the rest of life. Appropriately.  –Jim Broede

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