Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reason to pledge allegiance???

Imagine. Holier-than-thou America telling the Russians and the rest of the world, what’s right and proper and decent. In Crimea. As if America has done the right thing. By example. By going to war. In Iraq. In Vietnam. By intervening. Wherever America feels like playing the all-powerful righteous bully. America even reserves the right to zap it’s perceived ‘enemies’ with lethal bolts of lightning from drones. Even on American citizens. Without first going to trial. Imagine, too, partisan Republican firebrands blaming Obama’s policies for the Russian invasion of Crimea. Rather than faulting the Russians first and foremost. Oh, what a world. Full of American-style political hypocrisy and chicanery. Practiced inside and out. On a daily basis. Makes me wonder. Is this reason to pledge allegiance? –Jim Broede

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