Saturday, March 8, 2014

Yesterday's gone. For evermore.

Tea Party Republicans and Vladimer Putin. They have something in common. A yearning to return to the good old days. For the Tea Party ilk that means the time when white male roosters ruled the hen house called America. Before civil rights. When Jim Crow thrived. And blacks and immigrants knew their assigned place. For Putin, it’s the era of the Cold War. When the USSR dominated one side of the world. Before that, too. When to be manly was to be a Cossack. Riding a  horse. Bare-chested.  Ah, for the good times again. That’s the shared dream of the Tea Party and Putin. Instead, they are living in a modern age. In a fast-changing world. And that makes them heartsick. And nostalgic. Putin tries to bring back the past. In little romantic and charming ways. By annexing Crimea into the Russian Federation. A nice try. An honest effort. But still, in the long run, Putin will be thwarted.  By political realities. The same goes for the Tea Party. America is evolving. Into a different nation. White people soon to be the minority. To the horror of bigots.  But just as well. Fortunately, there is only today. Yesterday's gone. For evermore. –Jim Broede

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