Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Crazy thoughts.

I wonder. If occasionally. One thinks too much. That it might be well and good. To take more frequent breaks. From thinking, period. Take the creator, for instance. Does he ever stop thinking? Is his mind always occupied? Though it could be that he doesn’t have a mind. A human mind. He’s a far, far superior being. Or maybe he isn’t a being. He is what he is. And he really isn’t a he. Or a she. Or anything that a human mind can imagine. Think of it. A creator far beyond human comprehension. So, why even think about a creator? A creator that can be no more than mythical.  Not that important, is it? Asking. Asking. Asking. Seeking. Seeking. Seeking. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.  Does it really matter? If one has crazy thoughts. Crazy.  Crazy. Crazy. –Jim Broede

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