Monday, April 7, 2014

The real America.

A very, very rich man will almost always get his way. In the political arena. That’s how things are set up. To favor the filthy rich. The so-called oligarchs. Money is power. Money in America buys virtually anything. Even politicians’ souls. Almost anything can be bought. And that’s especially true in the American political realm. Elections are purchased. And not much people like me can do about it. Other than gripe. Knowing full well that our votes really don’t count. Never have. Never will. We’ll always be in the minority. Even when, in sheer numbers, we are an overwhelming majority.  The political system is rigged. To keep the rich even more powerfully rich. With an ever-widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. You and I can make persuasive moral arguments. That this is wrong. Doesn’t matter. The obscenely rich are firmly entrenched. Possessing the wherewithal to block the common good. Sadly, that’s the real America. --Jim Broede

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