Saturday, April 26, 2014

The right blend: Exercise and love.

Walking two Siberian Huskies. It’s easy. And a pleasure.  The  dogs’ owner warned me. It’ll be a challenge. Because they pull hard.  They were born to pull dog sleds. But I encountered absolutely no difficulty. Polly and Stinky didn’t mistake me for a dog sled. At most, it was a mild pull/tug. Of course, I took them out individually. For several miles. They haven’t been accustomed to daily walks. Confined to their yard. By so-called invisible fences. That’s why I volunteered to take the dogs for walks. I’ll do it regularly. Because I routinely walk 10 miles a day.  Might as well have company. Better it be with dogs. Rather than people. I like dogs. Though I prefer not to be a dog owner. For now. Preferring my two cats.  Loverboy and Chenuska. They are more than adequate loving companions.  Meanwhile, I see all sorts of dogs in the neighborhood. Some of whom crave for daily workouts. And don’t get beyond their yards. Indeed, a shame. That especially goes for the Huskies. But that problem is being resolved. For a while, I was walking Jack. A neighbor’s Irish setter. But Jack has found a new home. On a farm. Yes, a blessing. Still another neighbor’s dog. Sasha, a mixed breed. She’s been getting her daily walks. With me. For  two years now. I’ve become a companionable dog walker. Without having the responsibility of being a dog owner. A good deal. For the dogs. For me.  The last time I owned a dog. Must have been at least 10 years ago. Beloved Dottie. A German shorthair/black lab mix. Looked like the shorthair. She walked with me. Every day. For thousands of miles. Maybe halfway around the world. Still, I imagine she’s with me. In spirit. Lived for 17 years. The vet attributed her longevity. To exercise. And loving. A nice combination. Probably works. On humans, too. –Jim Broede

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