Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Voter fraud ain't the problem.

Not sure where I stand. When it comes to racists. And their racist remarks. On the one hand, everyone should have a right to free speech. Even when it becomes downright nasty and bigoted. Guess I draw the line. When racists and bigots try to impose their ways on the people they disdain. By depriving them of their civil and human rights. Often in somewhat devious ways. By not revealing their true motives. Take the Republicans, for instance. The ones imposing strict new voter ID laws in Republican-controlled states. The more honest of the Republicans openly admit that the laws are designed to make it more difficult for minorities and poor people to vote. Because they generally don’t vote for Republicans. Of course, the natural born lying Republicans claim they’re out to prevent vote fraud. Without ever citing a single case of actual fraud. Believe me, voter fraud ain’t the problem.  Instead, it’s deceitful politicians. –Jim Broede

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