Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Give me a good conversation.

So very many religions. Can’t keep track of ‘em all. Funny thing. Each religion assumes it’s the one true religion.  For me, that’s a turn off. Implies that every other religion falls short. In one way or another. Sometimes I wonder. Why people have a need for religion. Especially organized religion. I don’t. Calling myself a free-thinker.  Free to go my own way. Rather than by the dictates of religious leaders.  No thank you. I’ll try for a direct connection to the creator. Don’t need go-betweens. Don’t even need prayer.  Instead, I insist on direct communication.  And a dialogue. With the grand creator.  Another thing. I don’t ask for favors from the creator. A good conversation will suffice. --Jim Broede

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