Saturday, May 3, 2014

I think she trusts me.

Maybe I’ve opened Pandora’s Box. By walking my neighbor’s two Siberian Huskies. Polly and Stinky. They are so appreciative of the exercise. Up to several miles some days. They seem to have fallen in love. Either with the exercise. Or with me. Maybe both. They know that I’m intervening. To see to it. That their insatiable appetite for exercise. Gets fed. When they see me coming, they howl. With delight.  Seems to me they are speaking. Something equivalent to, ‘We love you, Jimmy Boy.’  Satisfies my ego. Nice to be loved. I love ‘em, too. Thing is. The other night. When I returned Stinky to her relatively small compound. She didn’t want to stay. She wanted more exercise. More freedom  More of me, too. She dared endure the shock. The jolt. From an electronic invisible fence. To dart away.  Her owner and I went in quick pursuit. She was having a rollicking good time. Didn’t want to be caught. She was born to run. To run. To run some more. Being her true self. Anyway, we followed. In sometimes slow and tired pursuit. Cajoling Stinky. To come. She ignored her beleaguered owner’s pleas. But then, I finally went to the ground.  On bended knees. ‘Come to me, Stinky,’ I chanted. “Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.’ Stinky came. Into my open arms. For a loving hug. Thanking me. For being her true friend. Now I have to convince her. To stay home. When I leave.  I promise. I’ll be back. Trust me. Trust me. Trust me. I think she does. –Jim Broede

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