Friday, May 9, 2014

No hope of becoming a rose.

Don’t know if it’s 10 percent or 20 percent or 30 percent. But it’s some amount. Of conservative Republicans. That dislike, or even detest, Barack Obama. Simply because of his skin color.  It’s just one of those things. They can’t help it. They were born to be bigots.  To presume that white people are superior. An affliction similar to the Nazis hatred of Jews. While putting the Aryan race on a pedestal. It’s irrational stuff. But something inbred. That penetrates deep. Into the soul. I view it as a sickness. A mental disorder. Possibly curable. But only after long and tedious therapy. Therefore, the failure rate is high. Especially with conservative Republicans. It’s easier to cure a Nazi than a racist Republican. The first step. One must personally recognize one’s need for help. Unfortunately, a stink weed is a stink weed is a stink weed. There’s no hope of becoming a rose. –Jim Broede

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