Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thank you, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

One of the great writers of our time. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. And I really never heard of him. Until reading his obituary. A few weeks ago. In the New York Times. Shows that I live in a reclusive world. My tiny cocoon. I don’t get out and about all that much. Relatively speaking. Though I travel. And spend much of the year living with my Italian true love. In Sardinia. Furthermore, I spent most of my life. As a journalist. Writing for newspapers. Yet, I’m an ignoramus. Knowing far, far less about the world than I ever hope to know. That’s why I need 1,000 lifetimes.  And even then, I won’t come close to being truly educated. But at least, I’ve discovered Marquez.  An achievement certainly equal to Columbus’ discovery of America. I say this after reading Marquez’s celebrated novel, ‘Love in the Time of Cholera.’ That’s the trigger. For me to read everything Marquez ever published. He writes about love. Pure love. Romantic love. True love. In ways that bring me beyond the most distant horizons. To a new and vibrant realm. Thank you, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. –Jim Broede

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