Saturday, May 17, 2014

The nature of true love...and life.

I like to speak the truth. My truth. Which may not be your truth. And that may annoy you. Because you want me to speak your truth. And not my truth. I find that often applies to Christians. Especially the very conservative ones. They proclaim there’s only one truth. One way to salvation. Of course, that’s nonsense. I counter with equal conviction. That there are many paths to the truth. No single truth. There’s your truth. And my truth. An infinitesimal number of truths.  I’ve been assured by some Christians that I’m bound for hell. Because I don’t share their truth. But I tell them, there is no hell. Only paradise. And that everyone is ultimately saved. By a loving creator. One that tolerates and embraces all kinds of truths.  Including your truth. And my truth. Yes, a close-minded truth. And an open-minded one, too. Doesn’t really matter.  All is forgiven. That’s the nature of true love…and blessed life. –Jim Broede

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