Monday, May 19, 2014

The truth.

I’d like to see a new system of non-profit, somewhat Spartan-like  nursing homes.  With effective first-class Athenian-style care. For the likes of my Alzheimer-riddled friend Ron.  He’s in a swank nursing home now. A plush facility. In a park-like setting. Rooms nicely furnished. The lounge areas airy and comfortable. The carpeted hallways look like art galleries. With framed paintings hung on the walls. But then there’s the matter of care. It’s shameful. Downright lousy.   For most of the day, Ron is pretty much left on his own. Sitting in front of a TV. Or meandering up and down the hallways. Very little one-on-one stimulation. And for all this, Ron’s family pays $10,600 a month. Or $127,200 a year.  Indeed, an outrageously exorbitant price. For that, one would think Ron should have a full-time nurse or therapist.  And a program of mental and physical stimulation. Tailored specifically for him. But he doesn’t. He’d be far better off in a Spartan setting. As long as the emphasis was on quality of care. The serving of the patients’ best interest. Pardon me if I speculate. That the operators of the nursing home are primarily interested in making  profit. Obscene profit. And sadly, they lure gullible rich customers. Impressed by the way the place looks. While neglecting to look into the quality of care.  That’s sad. But there are a few of us who show up. To observe and investigate. We have come to know the truth. –Jim Broede

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