Saturday, May 31, 2014

'Vote -- or else.'

I’m coming around. To the notion. That everyone of voting age in America should be required to vote.  They do that now in Australia. Those who don’t vote are fined. Of course, there’s a danger that ignoramuses will show up at the polls. But then, what’s new? Last week. In the godforsaken state of Texas. Only 7 percent of the electorate showed up for a primary election. In which several Tea Party candidates won.  Thing is, in America, when most people stay home, the worst of the worst get elected. Tea Party stalwarts. Lunatic fringe Republicans. When there are heavy turnouts at the polls, it’s far more likely that the winners will be liberals and Democrats. Yes, more evidence. That stupid people need virtually no incentive to vote. While smart people, the real geniuses of the world, figure it’s a waste of time.  I’d tell everyone  ‘vote – or else.’  As for those who don’t. Make them pay stiff fines. Maybe even spend time in the hoosegow. –Jim Broede

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