Sunday, June 15, 2014

A more lofty pursuit.

Focusing on injustice. That’s what I like to do. That’s why I pursued a career. As a writer. A reporter. For newspapers. Gave me the opportunity. To write stories about injustice.  About people being exploited.  Being treated unfairly. Being caught up in the bureaucracy.  Once upon a time, I decided there was a better way to wage battle. By becoming a politician. Running for public office.  For the local school board. I won. A three-year term. But learned. That holding public office is a waste of my good time. Too much time spent playing politics. I’m better off. And more effective. As a writer.  Writing for newspapers. Writing letters. Writing my blog. Without much restraint. Becoming a politician. That’s demeaning. A come down.  A descent. Into the gutter. Better to be a writer. That’s a more lofty pursuit. –Jim Broede

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