Thursday, June 19, 2014

Profanities. In the name of their god.

Organized religions. The curse of mankind. That’s one of many reasons why I avoid ‘em all. No thank you. I refuse to be religious. Instead, I have opted to be spiritual. With no ties to organized religion. I decide. What’s right  and wrong. By dabbling with the spiritual realm. Not the insane religious world. That often requires adherence to religious dogma. Insane rules. Internecine warfare. In which members of the same faith. Dare to kill each other. Because others don’t know how to pray their way.  Don’t adhere to their rules. Non-believers are often castigated. Treated unfairly. Merely because they don’t march in lock-step. Because one doesn’t belong to the right club, the right gang. Yes, the right religion.  It’s all the same. Sameness. That’s what religions ultimately seek. Adherence to commandments. Prescribed. Often nonsensical rules. All in the name of their god. Yes, they murder. They kill each other. Go to war. Commit profanities. In the name of their god. –Jim Broede

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