Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pure and true ecstasy.

I’m writing a short story. That may blossom into a novel. The protagonist has become obsessed about sex. His concept about sex has changed. As he gets older. A more refined sort of sex. More tranquil. More serene. Than traditional sex. He wants sex to be a very relaxing experience. He still wants it to be a physical sensation. More like floating on a cloud. Very tranquil. He wants to feel light as a feather. So much different from a heavy physical orgasm.  That’s the way he feels. With his true love.  Light. Weightless. Drifting. In a very pleasurable way. Mentally. Spiritually. Physically. But he isn’t excited. Physically, that is. If there is such a thing as spiritual excitement. That’s what he feels. Something hard to describe.  Other than utter tranquility. When he massages his true love. Physically massages her. He feels spiritual massage vibrations. Coming back to him. Through his fingers. His palms. His hands. Into his whole being. A blending. A melding. With her. Very satisfying. Very pleasurable. In a peaceful way. Very peaceful. Better than a physical orgasm. Much better. He calls it a spiritual orgasm. Because it is long-lasting. Continuous.  A beautiful flow. Of life. Of creation. Of everything meaningful. He’s on another plateau. In another dimension. In a spiritual paradise. Nirvana. It’s a new kind of sex. Radiant. And peaceful. Tranquil.  A true blending. Of two souls. Into one. And the more he tries to make it a traditional climactic physical experience, the more he’s working against the spiritual flow. Against the spiritual grain. And that’s wrong. One must make a climactic spiritual love. Complete tranquility.  Complete surrender to spiritual passion. Which is very different than physical passion. He is discovering a new kind of passion. Non-physical. Light. Lofty. And his mission. His desire. Is to attain pure bliss. Pure and true ecstasy. –Jim Broede

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