Thursday, July 31, 2014

A sacrilege in New Prague.

Churches were meant to be open. Twenty-four hours a day. If for nothing else. As a momentary refuge.  So, why do I find so many churches locked and bolted? The public is denied access. Even to the stately St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church. In the tiny hamlet of New Prague. In southern Minnesota. St. Wenceslaus is the most beautiful architectural wonder in New Prague. The adjacent parochial school, too. Both structures. More than 100 years old.  Worthy of seeing, no doubt. But last Monday, I could see them only from the outside. A shame. The Catholics should do something about it. And leave the church doors open. Always. Morning. Noon. Night. Where one can sit. Either in quiet contemplation. Or in conversation. With the spirits. My Italian true love speculated. That churches are prone to vandalism. So they stay locked. How ironic. Oh, yes. Exceptions should be made. For churches. Everywhere. In New Prague, too. St. Wenceslaus remains locked. In July and August. Even on Sundays. Because it’s more comfortable for parishioners to worship. In the air-conditioned comfort of the parish activities center. Isn’t that a  sacrilege? –Jim Broede

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