Monday, July 7, 2014

Friends and acquaintances.

I have friends. To prove it. All I have to do is to go to Facebook. A handful of people are calling me friend. And I’m calling them friends, too. It’s reciprocal. But I’m puzzled. Don’t know what I’m supposed to do. As a friend. Is there some sort of friendly gesture? Friendly words? What if I start an argument? By taking  sharp issue with one of my friends. Is that to be condoned? Could it be construed as an unfriendly act?  Thing is, true friends probably wouldn’t let that bother them. They’ll be forgiving.  They accept each other. Sort of unconditionally.  If not, they probably never were friends. It was all a sham. Guess I draw a line. Between friendship. And true friendship. Same goes for love. Love is one thing. True love, another. I’ve had only two true loves in my lifetime. Makes me wonder, too. How many true friends have I had?  Maybe precious few.  Seems to me that it’s too easy. To call many of my associates friends. When really, they don’t qualify as true friends. More likely, mere acquaintances.  –Jim Broede

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