Saturday, July 19, 2014

Good enough.

I like the Chicago Cubs. Maybe to the point of it being true love.  I have an Italian true love, too. She’s great. I accept her just the way she is. More or less unconditionally. That's the nature of true love. Acceptance even when she makes mistakes. Blunders. I’m forgiving. Especially since I make mistakes and blunders, too. Over my lifetime, the Cubs have never won a world series. But hey, I don’t need the Cubs to be perfect. To win a world series. Yes, that would be nice. All I know is that over a lifetime, the Cubs have given me great pleasure. Disappointment, too.  Meanwhile, I’ll take what I can get. Pure pleasure. From life. From the Cubs. From my Italian true love.  If some day there’s a world series in the mix, that’ll be a bonus. But it’s not a necessity. I don’t need everything.  As long as I have true love. That’s good enough. –Jim Broede

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