Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Was Methuselah dementia-riddled?

I would have hated to die in my 40s, 50s or 60s. In the so-called prime of my life. And most likely, I won’t ever be enthused about dying. Particularly if I’m healthy. But I suppose death will be easier to take. In my 80s or 90s. Or beyond 100. Because by then I’ll have outlasted most people. Beaten the odds. It’s too bad that I can’t live as long as Methuselah. That is, if he was real. And not mythical. Imagine stretching out one’s physical life for 900-plus years.  How can that be?  If there was a real Methuselah, I’d have liked to interview him. To determine if he had a favorite time. Maybe it was around his 400th birthday. When he started to edge into middle age.  I suppose he nudged into senior citizen status around the 750th year. Makes me wonder, too, if he was ever riddled by dementia. –Jim Broede

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