Saturday, August 30, 2014

Better finding love late than never.

Life that ends happily. That’s my favorite scenario. For a long, long time I thought my sister would live unhappily. From beginning to end. But I could play god. In a work of fiction. And make Babs finally find true happiness.  Fortunately, I won’t have to play god. Babs has found a way to happiness. On her own. With no make-believe assist from me. Because she’s quit drinking. And smoking, too. Cold turkey. Eight years ago. She’s feeling good. Not only physically. But about herself.  Babs and I had been more or less estranged. With each other. For most of our lives. I had pretty much given up on Babs. Oh, we tried. But nothing seemed to work. And we pursued our own lives. Without much contact.   Love for my sister was conditional. She had to quit drinking. And maybe go in for psychotherapy. Some might call it tough love. But I don’t. It was an absence of  love. Anyway, Babs has done what I always wanted her to do. To make a choice. To find a way to live happily. In love. With life. Now we are sister and brother again. Better finding love (and each other) late than never. –Jim Broede

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