Saturday, August 16, 2014

To hell with the political realm.

My best guess. Most people don’t have time for politics. Therefore, they don’t participate. Or even understand the issues. Don’t know if that’s good or bad. The goodness comes from having an inclination to live life without much concern about politics. Instead, other more important things take precedent. Leaving politics to the politicians. And getting on with the rest of life. I happen to take an interest in politics. Because I covered politics when writing for newspapers. I had to educate myself. On political matters. On the ways of politicians. Fortunately, I’m retired. I still pay attention to politics. But  not as avidly as before. Furthermore, it’s obvious that I have virtually no political influence. Like most people.  Political elections and political outcomes will be the same. No matter whether I’m alive or dead. So I’ve learned acceptance. Even if I don’t like it. Better to focus my life on things over which I have some semblance of control. Such as my love life.  My relationship with my Italian true love. Means I’m gonna be happy. Because I wear blinders. So that I can focus totally on her. And to hell with the political realm. –Jim Broede

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