Friday, October 31, 2014

A sad state of affairs.

I keep wondering. Why politics have to be played in mean-spirited ways. There seems to be no other way. At least in America.  The two parties keep squabbling. And they hardly ever compromise. Therefore, problems don’t get solved. Of course, that’s to the detriment of the country. I’m often told by Republicans, that we Americans have the best political system in the world. If that’s so, the world is in sad shape. I’d much prefer a parliamentary system. With multiple political parties. Often that leads to coalition governments. When no party gets a clear majority.  Thereby forcing two or more parties to form a cooperative majority. And representation in Parliament is based on each party’s percentage of the vote in a national election. Anyway, I’m a fan of cooperation. And compromise. Especially in the political arena. But it’s not happening in America. Because we allow mean-spirited politicians to run  the show. Indeed, a sad state of affairs. –Jim Broede

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