Tuesday, November 18, 2014

On dying without really dying.

I understand. Why some people get tired of life. Would just as soon fade away. Into oblivion. Into nothingness. They don’t fear death. They welcome it. Because they aren’t happy. They are pessimists. With no prospects for turning things around. I might feel that way. If I was in poor health. With no hope of recovery. Dying could be relief. Especially if I died without really dying. Into an afterlife. In which I shed my physical being. For a spiritual existence. Living in the physical realm can be enchanting. Pure pleasure, at times. But it also can be a drag. A burden. I’d be so much more free as a spirit. With no physical ills. No physical pain. But maybe spirits have to endure spiritual pain. Wonder if that’s worse than physical pain. I’d certainly like the opportunity to find out.  –Jim Broede

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