Monday, November 10, 2014

Too bad Obama ain't a salesman.

Barack Obama is a lousy salesman. He doesn’t know how to sell his policies.  And that makes him an ineffective president.  He’s been a disappointment. When Obama was first elected, I was elated. He ran a wonderful and idealistic campaign. He had, too. For a black man to get elected in racist America. Maybe Obama assumed that he had already accomplished the hard stuff.  By making it all the way to the White House. And now all he had to do was coast. Yes, a big mistake. He neglected selling and promoting his policies. Like a politician. He had to maneuver. And manipulate. And sell, sell, sell. Everything. In a brilliant and persuasive manner. At that, he has failed. Miserably.  Maybe he still can. In his final two years in office. But if he doesn’t, it’s his fault. And a dirty rotten shame. Especially if it opens the door to the White House, in 2016, to the Republicans. I can’t imagine a worse fate. For America. Obama must learn to act less like a college professor. And more like a salesman and shrewd politician. –Jim Broede

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